广东成人高考报名入口 王老师:13060909364(拨打)


更新时间:2023/5/25 14:13:00  王老师: 
    1.She is such a ( ) person, always asking how I'm feeling.
    A. considerable
    B. considering
    C. considered
    D. considerate
    2.He has ( ) the army for ten years and is now an officer.
    A.gone into
    B.joined in
    C.been in
    D.come into
    3.There is an old saying which goes, "Never ( ) until tomorrow what you can do today."
    A.put aside
    B.put up
    C.put off
    D.put away
    4.The new English dictionary I bought yesterday ( ) me almost twenty yuan.
    A. spent
    B. paid
    C. cost
    D. took
    5.The experiment, ( ) will soon be announced, was done by my colleagues.
    A.whose results
    B.the results on which
    C.at which the results
    D.of whose results
    6.Her suggestion that everybody ( ) was not appreciated.
    A.sing a song
    B.sang a song
    C.sung a song
    D.singing a song
    7.Every year when the flu is ( ) I'm bound to get sick.
    A.getting around
    B.coming around
    C.hanging around
    D.going around
    8.They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no ( ).
    A. end
    B. conclusion
    C. result
    9.Three people, ( ), were injured in the accident.
    A.including a child
    B.include a child
    C.included a child
    D.includes a child
    10.The fisherman, ( ) poor, could not buy another boat.
    11.I believe you have ( ) some important points in the report.
    A.left alone
    B.left behind
    C.left off
    D.left out
    12.It ( ) me as an uphill battle, simply because it is an awkward and time-consuming process.
    A. appears
    B. occurs
    C. strikes
    D. hits
    13.The famous novel is said ( ) into Chinese.
    A.to have translated
    B.to be translate
    C.to have been translated
    D.to translate
    14.Mary regretted ( ) to John's birthday party last Sunday.
    A.not going
    B.not to go
    C.not having been going
    D.not to be going
    15.What he is ( ) is neither money nor fame, but the satisfaction of seeing his students grow up as builders of socialism.
    A.in pursuit of
    B.looking after
    C.trying to do
    16.Television keeps us informed about ______ events and the latest developments in politics and science.
    A. current
    B. past
    C. favorable
    D. new
    17.TV, if properly used, can ______ a child’s imagination.
    A. cause
    B. excite
    C. stimulate
    D. arise
    18.I could not ______ all the information given in the radio broadcast.
    A. receive
    B. absorb
    C. admire
    D. deceive
    19.A laser beam is used to ______ even the hardest substance.
    A. pass through
    B. repair
    C. light up
    D. identify.
    20.I am going to the teacher, but you ______ with me.
    A. need go out
    B. need not go
    C. need not to go
    D. do not need go
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