广东成人高考报名入口 王老师:13060909364(拨打)


更新时间:2023/5/25 14:24:00  王老师: 
    1.______ Pacific Ocean is??very large sea to the west of North and SouthAmerica, and to the east of Asia and Australia.
    A.The; a
    B.A; the
    C. The; the
    D. A; a
    2.Neither his fellow workers nor Todhimself ______ to the solution put forward by the employer
    A. agree
    C. agreeing
    D. to agree
    3.If only I ______ hard in the past fewmonths! But I didn‘t work hard enough and failed the maths examination.
    A. work
    C. have worked
    D. had worked
    4. None of us knew how the change had come______.
    A. across
    C. over
    D. down
    5. The price of fish is ______ during theSpring Festival
    A. expensive
    C. valuable
    D. dear
    6. He offered to ______ her a hand as thebag was too heavy for her to carry.
    A. lend
    C. show
    D. borrow
    7. Do you mind if I ______ the mistakes inyour report?
    A. pick up
    B.put up
    C. call out
    D. point out
    8. They told me it would be cheap but _____ it cost me nearly $ 500.
    A. in general
    B.in a word
    C. in detail
    D. in fact
    9. Having been found guilty, the man wasgiven a severe ______ by the judge.
    A. service
    C. crime
    D. crisis
    10.Frankfurt, Germany, is one of the mostpopulated regions in Western Europe,
    A. densely
    C. enormously
    D. largely
    11. Jean did not have time to go to theconcert last night because she was busy ______ for her history examination.
    A.to prepare
    B. preparing
    C. to be prepared
    D. being prepared
    12. By the end of this month, we surely______ a satisfactory solution to the problem.
    A. have found
    B.will be finding
    C. will havefound
    D. are finding
    13. Helen was much kinder to her youngest childthan she was to the others, ______, of course, made the others jealous.
    A. whom
    C. what
    D. which
    14. Linda, ______ has lived next door to meabout 10 years, will move to another city soon.
    A. who
    C. that
    D. what
    15. The visitors felt greatly surprised at______ they saw in the museum.
    A. who
    C. how
    D. what
    16. On no account ______ held responsiblefor the accident.
    A. the driver can be
    B. can the driver be
    C. the driver does be
    D. does the driver be
    17. ______ by his friend for his mistake, Jim felt very unhappy.
    A. Criticizing
    B. To criticize
    C. Criticized
    D.Having criticized
    18. Our sports meet is planned to takeplace ______ Saturday morning.
    A. in
    C. on
    D. of
    19. You can‘t afford to let the situationget worse. You must take ______ to put it right.
    A. decisions
    C. sides
    D. steps
    20. How these big stones were moved to themountain tops remains a ______, that is, nobody knows how.
    A. mystery
    D. faith
    21. Michael Jackson traveled and sang allaround the world, ______ his audience with music, dance and fashion.
    A. entertaining
    B. awarding
    D. proving
    22. To improve efficiency the factory______ most of its workers with robots.
    A. operated
    C. contributed
    D. accomplished
    23. —Fred: Hi, Paul, do you live near here?
    —Paul: ______ I moved out to the suburbs.
    A. Hi, Fred,how do you do
    B. Hi, Fred, I‘m very well, thanks.
    C. Yes, I do.
    D. No,I don‘t
    24.At first, people raised dogs to help them hunt and to warn them when danger ______. Today, cats and dogs are kept largely as pets.
    B. approached
    D. apprehended
    25.For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more mature one, it requires that the child ______ psychologically really for the new idea.
    A.would be
    B. were
    D. is
    26.They do not have to pay for expensive seats at the theater, the cinema or the opera, ______ , perhaps, that show is disappointing.
    A.only to discover
    B. only discovering
    C.only so as to discover
    D. only for discovering
    27.I ______ admit the truth or your remarks, although they go against my interests.
    A. can but
    B. may not to
    C.can‘t but
    D. need but
    28.Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have _______ in the last six months.
    29.The current political ______ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.
    B. weather
    D. state
    30.The angry teacher gave the order that nobody ______ the classroom before twelve.
    A.would leave
    B. left
    C.had left
    D. leave
    31._____ the financial means to remain independent, Thomas Edison was compelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator.
    A.He was deprived of
    B. Deprived of
    C.That he was deprived of
    D. Although he was deprived of
    32.The firm will have to step ______ production if it is to defeat its competitors.
    B. in
    D. up
    33.After writing poetry unsuccessfully for several years, he was not certain whether to quit or ______ with his art.
    A.if he should continue
    B. he should continue
    C.to be continued
    D. to continue
    34.______as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.
    A.Being published
    B. Published
    D. To be published
    35.It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios______after 11 o‘clock at night.
    A.were not played
    B. not to play
    C.not be played
    D. did not play
    36.Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful______through the window.
    B. look
    D. view
    37.Cancer is second only______heart disease as a cause of death.
    B. to
    D. into
    38. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the______movie could not hold our attention.
    A. three-hours
    B. three-hour
    C. three-hours‘
    D. three-hour’s
    39.Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs______directed.
    B. so
    D. as
    40.This ticket______you to a free meal in our new restaurant.
    B. grants
    D. credits
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